I have officially started studying for the CPA, again. Uuurrrggghhh. I just hope I can do it this time around. Before having Ava I had passed 3 out of the 4 parts, REG is a bitch. Then Ava came along, I tried REG again and was met with misery. Since I have never passed REG – I am starting with that first. I want to pass and get it out of the way. If I fail again, I will reevaluate if it is worth it the time and sacrifice. The REG section includes regulations and taxation. You hear CPA and automatically think taxes… well I am not that kind of CPA. I audit. I hate taxes… at least studying for them. I think if I had more real life practices with taxes I would get them.
It has been working out great so far. Ava has consistently gone to bed by 7-7:30. I get to study 4 nights all the week without interruption or guilt while Ben is working. But the other 3 nights I feel guilty that there is no Ben and Kelly time. Not that we would be out having a great time but some of my favorite things with Ben is just eating popcorn and watching TV and arguing about what is more believable: Mermaids or Megalodon. (FYI – I totally believe there is a Megalodon. Ben disagree.) Ben understands the process and that this is just a small period in time and we will get through- I think he is just hoping I pass cause he thinks then he will have a sugar mama… boy is he in for a rude awakening!
So the next year of my life will be studying - so much fun right?